A Practical Introduction to Digital Command Control for Railway Modellers

Nigel Burkin
From background information on the technology itself to layout wiring; taking in decoders, hand controllers, wireless and many practical modelling projects, Neil Burkin offers a comprehensive introduction to Digital Command Control [DCC] for the beginner and experienced modeller alike.
A Practical Introduction to Digital Command Control for Railway Modellers by Nigel Burkin

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About the author

Nigel Burkin has been modelling British Rail Southern Region practice in 4mm scale for over 20 years, introducing Digital Command Control to his layout projects in 2001. Since then, he has explored many areas of the control system to see how it can benefit the modeller with respect to re-creating realistic railway operations. He is a published author, editor and photographer with hundreds of magazines articles under his belt together with three modelling titles. Resident - Scotland
