Shadow Puppets and Shadow Play
Handbook of Costume Accessories
Practical Guide to Puppetry
Movement Direction
Successful Auditions
Costume Design for Performance
Writing for the Stage
Shakespearean Wig Styling
Unarmed Stage Combat
The Costume Maker's Companion
Sound Design for the Stage
Making Simple Marionettes
The Prop Maker's Workshop Manual
Theatrical Scenic Art
Mime the Gap
A Practical Guide to Wig Making and Wig Dressing
Stage Management
Scenic Construction for the Stage
Stage Lighting Design
Directing for the Stage
Costume and Design for Devised and Physical Theatre
The Handbook of Techniques for Theatre Designers
Stage Fighting
The Handbook of Model-making for Set Designers
The Handbook of Stage Lighting
Handbook of Set Design
Making and Manipulating Marionettes
Making Stage Props
Making Stage Props
Production Management
Stage Design
Stage Design