Painting Rivers from Source to Sea

Rob Dudley
Rivers can be enchanting or exciting, but are always absorbing. They provide a myriad of painting opportunities and challenges for the artist. Focusing on watercolour - one of the most direct of mediums - this practical book explains how to paint a river and capture its life, light, movement, colour and interest. With over 200 colour images, Rob Dudley shares his methods, techniques and ideas to make this beautiful book a must-have for all landscape and en plein-air artists.
Painting Rivers from Source to Sea by Rob Dudley

About the author

Rob Dudley is an experienced artist and well know for his riverscapes. He is inspired by the beauty of the landscape, particularly where light falls on water, and has an abundance of scenes to paint from his home near Dartmoor. He has lived, painted, taught and exhibited in Devon for over twenty years, and runs Moor to Sea Arts with his wife Sian Dudley.
