Andrew Lear is a professional horticulturist and arborist, with a lifetime career in gardens, landscaping and nurseries behind him. Latterly, he has specialised in the production of fruit trees in his own nursery, as well as running courses and workshops for community groups across Scotland.
Margaret Lear has always worked in education or horticulture, frequently combining the two. She has run her own nursery and, until recently, worked in partnership with Andrew especially on the educational side of the business. She is a writer, forager, organic gardener and environmental campaigner.
This is a very useful book for anyone interested in growing fruit trees. I suspect it is one that you will want to put little slips of paper or page markers into for quick reference over a number of years.
Full of nuggets of information betraying extensive knowledge, long-term hands-on experience and a genuine love for the craft. Importantly they provide tools for growers to think and arrive at their own conclusions. It’s an excellent introduction for newcomers and an enjoyable read for time-served orchardists alike.
Orchards is a pleasure to handle. It is well laid-out with every point well illustrated by photos and sketches. They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but I was pleased to see that this was a robust, compact hardback, ideal for taking out into your orchard or forest garden to consult on pruning techniques or disease symptoms.