100 Walks in Yorkshire
Gundog Health and Welfare
100 Walks in Staffordshire
100 Walks in Staffordshire
100 Walks in County Durham
100 Walks in Surrey
100 Walks in Northumberland
Setting Up a Weather Station and Understanding the Weather
100 Walks in Cheshire
Traditional Stickmaking
Long Distance Walking in Britain
German Shepherds
Staffordshire Bull Terriers
100 Walks in Wiltshire
Golden Retrievers
Shooting for Sport
100 Walks in Yorkshire - West Riding and the Dales
100 Walks in Yorkshire West Riding & The Dales
Complete Training for the Working Spaniel
100 Walks in Lancashire
Lurchers as Pets
Barbara Sykes' Training Border Collies
Dogs of the Shepherds
The Holistic Cat
Practical Ballistics
The Dog Groomer's Manual
Presentation Fly-Fishing
Dog Anatomy Workbook
Air Pistol Shooting
A Guide to Stock Fencing
Woodland Management
Practical Quail-keeping
Butchering Small Game and Birds