‘This book could have no better author. Barbara's lifetime of study with the Border Collie has led her to have a unique and unrivalled insight into all aspects of this breed…Filled with interesting anecdotes throughout, this book really is essential reading for anyone considering owning a Border Collie.’
Ross McCarthy MA FCFBA MBIPDT AMBPSCA, Canine Behaviour Practitioner and Trainer, co- founder of DogSEE.
‘I can honestly say that anything Barbara does not know about Border Collies is not worth knowing. This book is a real testament to such a noble breed and is full of history, love, knowledge and wisdom. Whether you are thinking of sharing your life with a collie for the first time, or struggling to cross the kitchen without tripping over one (like me!), it is bursting with riches...’
Dame Ellen MacArthur DBE