Film Noir Photography

Neil Freeman
The classic look of film noir portraits was iconic to the 1930s and 1940s - the use of light, shadows and styling created a timeless look that is as popular today as ever. This practical book explains how to take photos and use lights to create powerful portraits typical of this time. With over 100 photographs, it covers the equipment needed; explores the types of images that are classed as film noir; shares tips and tricks to improve your images; guides you through the lighting set-ups in detail; recreates some classic film noir images and ideas, and finally, explains how to shoot film noir images inside and outside on location.
Film Noir Photography by Neil Freeman

About the author

Neil Freeman is a professional photographer and tutor. He ran his own photography business for fifteen years prior to joining Nikon as photography training manager at Nikon School. He now shares his expertise, talent and creativity by leading photography courses, as well as writing articles for photography magazines and speaking at photography events.
