The Fixtures and Fittings of Period Houses, 1714-1939

Janet Collings
Building features and materials are being lost or replaced on older houses at an alarming rate. The appearance of this book is, therefore, most welcome for it enables the reader to identify original features and materials that have been used on houses from the Georgian period, through the Victorian and Edwardian periods and up until 1939 - a period when building techniques and architectural styles changed significantly.
The Fixtures and Fittings of Period Houses, 1714-1939 by Janet Collings

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About the author

Janet Collings is an architect who specializes in the conservation of historic buildings; she jointly runs an architectural practice and has written several books about the care of old buildings. She also co-founded the website and is a visiting lecturer and external examiner on building conservation at UK universities. After gaining a Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings scholarship, Janet took on a house on the 'Buildings at Risk' register. She has conserved both the house and garden for future generations to appreciate.
