Extreme macrophotography opens up a new world for photographers, particularly biologists. By photographing subjects way beyond just life size magnifications, this book takes you a step closer to the very cells that make up organisms. Written with clarity and detail, Julian Cremona's book is the perfect guide and sister title to Extreme Close-Up Photography and Focus Stacking. His enthusiasm for and knowledge of his subject makes this book an essential companion for everyone interested in photography and discovering the minutiae of the natural world. It advises on equipment and on low-cost and DIY photography solutions; explains how to use a microscope and its potential for photographers; instructs how to light, support and prepare a subject for best results; covers focus stacking: how to produce composite images with incredible depth of field, and finally encourages experimentation and suggests ways to develop extreme close-up ideas.
Beyond Extreme Close-Up Photography by Julian Cremona
Julian Cremona is a naturalist, photographer, teacher and explorer. Head of Dale Fort Field Centre for many years, he runs workshops on macro-photography for the Field Studies Council and other photographic groups. Combining his passions for photography and biology, he constantly pushes the boundaries to delve deeper into the natural world. He has also written Extreme Close-Up Photography and Focus Stacking for Crowood.
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