Mastitis is one of the most common diseases in dairy cattle throughout the world and it is also one of the most costly, resulting in reduced milk production and extra treatment costs. This invaluable book covers all aspects of the subject and is essential reading for veterinary surgeons and students, farmers and also those involved in the practical care of cattle. A comprehensive guide which provides the reader with a much greater understanding of mastitis, the effects and causes, its treatment and control. Mastitis is one of the most common and most costly diseases of dairy cattle. Aimed at vets, vet students, farmers and their advisors, the stockperson and anybody involved in the day-to-day practical health care of cattle. Superbly illustrated with 216 colour photographs and 20 diagrams. Andrew Biggs is a recognized authority on mastitis with over twenty years of both practical mastitis and research experience. Considers what mastitis is, what causes it and how to control it Provides an in-depth examination of the milking machine and the milking routine in the context of the incidence and spread of mastitis Analyses mastitis records and their use Examines in detail the diagnosis of mastitis and its treatment Discusses summer mastitis, and udder and teat conditions predisposing to mastitis Contains useful appendices providing a checklist for investigation and flowcharts for the approach to treatment both in lactation and at drying off
Andrew Biggs BVSc, MRCVS qualified at the University of Liverpool's Veterinary School in 1981. He became a partner in 1986 at the Vale Veterinary Group and is based in Tiverton, Devon. Andrew started a mastitis-monitoring scheme in 1983 and runs a mastitis laboratory that undertakes referral and consultancy work for many veterinary practices around the UK. Andrew has written many scientific articles and papers for a variety of publications, and is a past president of the British Cattle Veterinary Association. Resident - Tiverton, Devon.
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