Understanding the Flowering Plants

Anne Bebbington
To study a plant in detail is to make a fascinating journey of discovery. Even plants we think we know well will often surprise us as we look at the intricacy of their structure and how they are put together. This fascinating guide explains what flowering plants are and their relationship to other groups of plants. With drawings, paintings and photographs throughout, it advises on how to carry out a botanical study and will prove essential reading for botanical artists, photographers and all those wishing to gain a greater understanding of flowering plants.
Understanding the Flowering Plants by Anne Bebbington

About the author

Anne Bebbington PhD gained wide teaching experience in her career as a botanist and ecology tutor for the Field Studies Council. She specialized in wild flower courses for adults, both in Britain and further afield in Europe, Canada and Australia. She is a founder member and past President of the Institute for Analytical Plant Illustration.


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